
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

So I've done half a job......

Today I took J for his first settle in session at play group. It was with a slight sense of impending doom that I shuffled round the corner, having endured the mother of all Random Tantrum mornings, very aware that the session was slap bang in the middle of his usual nap time. Gulp. We had had, in no particular order, a tantrum because;

  • "I don't want my wellies on!" Would these be the wellies you just found and then put on your own feet, yourself? Yes. Yes they would.
  • "My spoon is too spoony!" Can't help you with that one darling.
  • "I don't like that window!" Again, what?
  • "My raisins are scaring me!" Sigh.......
Now, my children tend to get a bad rap on my blog. Mostly because the bits where they are naughty are funny, and the bits where they aren't, aren't. But J excelled himself at his first session, and made me just glow with pride (if you are thinking this whole post is a thinly veiled attempt to boast about my kids, you are wrong. It's not even thinly veiled).

But I couldn't help thinking two things during it. 1: I'm glad the stuff I'm banging on about day in day out is sinking in, and 2: Why then do you point blank refuse to do that at home?

I heard him talking to one of the lovely play leaders. The conversation he was having with her over the plastic fruit and veg was strikingly similar to one I had had with him at lunchtime, with a few key differences. Their conversation went like this;

 J: Would you like a sandwich lady?
Lady: Oooh yes please J.
J: Can I have one too please?
Lady: Yes of course.
J: And a juice please?
Lady: Yes, seeing as you asked so nicely.
J: Oh, thank you.
Lady: You're so welcome.

Our conversation earlier had gone like this:

Me: J, I have told you a bazillion times to put your feet down off the table.
J: You're a bazillion. You're a table.
Me: Would you like a sandwich?
Me: J, I asked you a question.
J: Get me a sandwich.
Me: Pardon?! Do you think you could ask me that in a different way?
(Pause while he scans head for all the manners I have diligently drummed in to him.)
J: Get me a sandwich. QUICKER!

Still. We are half way there.

I have linked this post up to the very funny Actually Mummy's Wot So Funee Blog Hop. Despite her patiently explaining to me on twitter how to get her badge, I'm still fumbling about trying to work it out, so take a look at for a giggle x


  1. LOVE this! Bug once complained that the bath water was too wet. ??

    1. Hee hee. Seriously though, you really should check the wetness of your bath water before you put your children in it. Basic health and safety ;)

  2. My two are angels at school and, well, different at home! X

    1. so it's going to continue this way then....good to know!
      Thanks for commenting x

  3. Raisins are indeed terrifying ;) xx

    1. Well now you mention it, that bowl of them over there is looking at me funny.......

  4. Oh, that all sounds so familiar - although I'd be more likely to get a 'now' than a 'quicker'...! Great post :)

    1. Thank you! Hee hee. I'm wondering if he will get worse at home as he gets more polite when we are out?! Thanks for commenting x

  5. hahaha!! Yes it sounds so My 2 are also angels at school...It's a whole different story at home!

    1. They are monkeys aren't they?! I'm practicing saying the line "oh yes, he's always like that at home too" without laughing for when he starts school!

  6. Brilliant! It's reading posts like this that make me realise I am not alone in having a small child who confounds me time and again!!

    1. Hee hee thanks for the comment :) I do like it when others seem to be going through exactly the same thing! X

  7. This is brilliant. The "spoon is too spoony" comment had me grinning. Another Blog Hop successful find!

    1. Hee hee thank you! Very kind. The blog hops are great for finding new stuff - I just need time to read them all now!
